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FWA News

Update On Sierra
Leone National

The Life-saving
Role Of Radio
Stations In The
Ebola Crisis

Response Assists
Six Radio Stations

FWA President
Visits Sierra Leone

Steven Mansaray, manager of Radio Bintumani 93.7 FM in Koinadugu, speaks about the role of radio in Ebola and the impact of FWA's assistance.


Radio Moa On The Air
Radio Moa 105.5 FM in Kailahun, Sierra Leone, got back on the air during the Ebola crisis, with the help of an FWA emergency equipment shipment.


Emergency Response Assists Six Radio Stations

During the Ebola crisis, FWA received an urgent request from Sierra Leone’s Independent Radio Network to assist six stations with faulty or failing equipment that put information flow at risk.

Voice of Kunike, 89.4 FM, Makali:
• 700 W transmitter

Radio Bintumani, 93.7 FM, Koinadugu:
• 700 W transmitter, broadcast tower

Eastern Radio, 96.5 FM, Kono:
• 700w transmitter

Radio Mankneh, Makeni:
• 700 W transmitter

Choice FM, 93.5 FM, Freetown:
• 700 W transmitter

Radio Moa, 105.5 FM, Kailahun:
• 3 motorcycles to enable reporters to reach the most remote villages
• 3 generators to provide primary and back-up power supply
• 5 hand-held voice recorders for reporters to get people’s voices on the air
• Studio microphones and mixers to improve broadcast quality.