Andrew Kromah repairs generator at Radio Cape Mount, Liberia. |
Our Mission
The mission of FWA is to support the people of West Africa in their endeavor to achieve lasting peace and prosperity. To that end, we support independent radio stations that are building peace and democracy.
Supporting Independent Radio
In places struggling with conflict and poverty, radio serves as a ‘voice of the voiceless’ by empowering citizens to speak out on issues and hold their government accountable. In times of unrest, radio broadcasts can ease tensions and save lives.
FWA helps radio stations and networks meet their infrastructure and training needs. With the money we raise, FWA awards radio station grants ranging from $500 to $25,000. We make grants based on site visits, augmented by ongoing communication with radio station operators and the communities they serve. FWA grants leverage support from individuals, foundations, businesses and governments.
Local ownership of radio stations is essential to their success. Communities are responsible for content and generating revenue to cover day-to-day operating costs such as salaries and fuel. Larger radio networks are run by their own boards of directors and member stations.
Special Projects
FWA also supports initiatives aimed at improving health care and education, especially when those efforts include radio stations as partners.
Health Care
FWA is investing in a Sierra Leonean initiative to provide health care to a community whose hospital was destroyed by war. The NarSarah Clinic was launched by in 2004 by a group of nurses in their hometown of Kabala, the largest population center in Koinadugu District, northern Sierra Leone. Visit www.seed-narsarah.org for more information.
With most area roads impassable by car, people walk miles, sometimes over many days, to receive medical treatment. Sicknesses and diseases that are easily treatable in many countries can be catastrophic in West Africa. In this extremely difficult environment, NarSarah offers affordable, accessible health care services. (Click Here for More Background: NarSarah Clinic: A Sierra Leone Community Health Care Iniative).
Since 2005 FWA has partnered with learning institutions to ship over 250,000 textbooks and reference books to libraries, schools and universities in The Gambia, Liberia and Sierra Leone.